Monday, July 21, 2014

Week 8 on the Mission Front

Howdy family and friends!!

I don't even know where to begin with this wonderful and blessed week! There has just been too much!

Okay, lets begin with baptisms. We have two coming up this Saturday; Randi, and Eric. Eric we met a few weeks back while finding and the first thing we said was, "Do you want to be baptized?" and he said he already was (typical) but it couldn't hurt to do it again. Well, lo and behold, he's being baptized and he's great! We taught him the Word of Wisdom and he went home and got rid of all of his coffee the day of and has only touched it once since then. He has never missed a day reading either! He's just great!

Randi walked in to the church and asked to be baptized. Seriously. Last week too. She said she met with the missionaries a year ago, and decided it wasn't for her, but she hasn't been able to stop thinking about it. So she's being baptized this Saturday! And she's a miracle. A straight miracle. She's teaching me more of Christ's love and the Spirit than we are teaching her! Its amazing!

Also, our district leader has two baptisms this Saturday as well, which will make it a quadruple baptism!

And there's more to that. Our Zone goal this month was to get 12 baptisms. Our district, yes, district, already has 6. That was our goal and we still have the four this weekend! Its so amazing to see the Lord literally hastening His work!

We also surpassed our record for lessons this week! Which I didn't think was possible!

And we met a girl who was baptized a month ago and wants to be baptized again! Her date is for the middle of August. And another lady who finally committed to be baptized, but won't set a date quite yet. AND someone that Sister Goodman met before I was here called us this week and now has a baptismal date as well.

It has been crazy busy here!

The worst part of the week though; I have about four or five spider bites. At least, that's what we think they are... they're huge and a deep red. I don't know where I keep getting bit either. Possibly in bed? Ew...
Big bugs - EW!

Anyway, it has been a miraculous week! Satan is trying his hardest to combat us though. One of the dates set in our zone was in a serious car accident and is in the hospital (she was the last time I checked at least) and another one either tried to commit suicide or was poisoned. She's okay now, but... well, not great. But I also know that Heavenly Father is on our side, and He's better and stronger than Satan could ever be. We just have to have faith, trust, and a little pixie dust. :P

I love you all, and I miss you!

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